Babies & Children

Craniosacral therapy is particularly well-suited for babies and children due to its gentle nature. They respond very positively to the light touch or hands off approach which can be soothing and comforting for them.

Babies can be treated while asleep, or feeding, or cradled in their mother’s arms and there is no need to undress them.

Overall, CST offers a safe, gentle, and effective way to support the health and well-being of babies and children, addressing a wide range of physical, emotional, and developmental issues, resulting in a happier, healthier childhood.

Here's why CST is perfect for them:

  • Birth can be a physically demanding process for both the baby and the mother. CST can help release any residual tension or trauma from the birth process, promoting relaxation and comfort for the baby.

  • Many parents seek CST for their infants to help alleviate colic, reflux, and other digestive issues. This gentle therapy can help soothe the digestive system and promote better digestion and elimination.

  • Sleep disturbances are common in infants and children. CST can help calm the nervous system, promote relaxation, and improve sleep patterns, leading to better rest for both the child and the parents

  • Babies and young children may also experience emotional stress or tension, whether from birth trauma, environmental factors, or family dynamics. CST provides a nurturing environment where these emotional tensions can be gently released, promoting emotional well-being and resilience.

  • The early stages of life involve rapid growth and development. CST can help support this process by releasing any tensions or restrictions that may arise from birth trauma, developmental challenges, or the stresses of early life.

  • • Asthma
    • Autism
    • Behavioural disorders
    • Birth trauma
    • Colic
    • Dyslexia
    • Ear infections
    • Hyperactivity
    • Learning difficulties
    • Persistent colds and infections
    • Physical injuries from knocks and falls
    • Poor sleep
    • Teething
    • Tongue tie
    • Torticollis (wry neck)

    This list is not exhaustive – please book a free 15 min call to find out how I can help.

I also encourage mums to have craniosacral therapy, as babies are especially sensitive to how their mothers are feeling in the weeks following birth. The birth process is often traumatic for a mother as well as for the baby, both physically and emotionally. Treatment can help with postnatal recovery and help re-align the body, support pelvic health, hormonal balance, exhaustion, or post-natal depression; easing stress and tension and improving energy levels.

  • "The most important thing to our nervous system is that we are safe. When we are safe, magical things occur."

    Stephen Porges